Look Listen man Don't take your life for granted Cause people pa** away Without a reason why it happened Dude I know you're listening You feel like you're abandoned Just find your motivation And pursue your inner pa**ion I know it's hard When you're losing someone close Your thoughts are taking over Then your brain is losing hope You slowly lose your mind In the effort to try and cope But don't forget Your friends have got your back You're not alone We're all in this together We're standing by your side Families forever On the Earth or in the sky No matter what'll happen There's a sign that is divine I made this song So people struggling can realize That suicide Is not the right way To deal with depression If it was then no one around you Would be affected Even if you're ridiculed Bullied Or just rejected Cancel out those thoughts And live your life like it's a blessing We all seem to focus on the past And not the moment Cause someone close pa**ed And it left your world frozen Long nights Thinking bout them Till your hearts broken I know you wanna die Because you're feeling that it's hopeless Keep holding Onto every memory you made Cause I've noticed They fade away Everyday And without them You would not be the same It doesn't make sense Cause it's hard to explain Come on man You gotta think about your family I know it's hard dealing With the feelings Full of agony But how you gonna leave them With nothing except insanity Keep fighting through And you can conquer any tragedy
I'm actually Living proof that anyone can do it I felt like I was dumb Retarded And even Useless I always thought What kind of God would wanna do this? Don't fix a temporary problem With a permanent solution Cause you can never get it back Once that sh** is done So put down the rope you tied Or drop the gun Yo trust me when I say it Cause you're not the only one I know there's dark days But just focus on the sun [Sir Skitzo speaks] I hope you guys enjoyed the video, Now the whole message behind this if you didn't understand it is basically to try and spread the message of suicide prevention across as far as we can. I've actually had a friend who I've known for, since I was a kid, I do.. I don't even remember my age. Maybe eight or nine, and recently his family is going through something. His sister actually committed suicide. I don't know all the details and if I did I wouldn't really tell them publicly but if you guys do want to help out there is a GoFundMe for their family in the description below. She was a part of Skitzo Nation, she did listen to my music and even though I didn't know her personally, it hit really close to me cause I have talked to her and [?] rap for her last timeI was on vacation so if you guys really could help out, show them what Skitzo Nation's all about, I'm actually dropping a hundred and fifty dollar donation first. So if any of you guys wanna follow behind me, that would be greatly appreciated, but I do hope you guys enjoy the video. As always, peace out, stay s**y, have a great day