Did you ever have a friend Who did much better than you had planned? Returning to work, back out on the doze At a factory job making garden hose Saw the guy Grieg in the High Tetons The Summer sun had burned his nose Listen to Van at the swimming hole "you'll never match him, so give up the ghost" He was the gladdest man I had ever seen And he looked it too What's your name? Respond to your name
Is You, Is it You, You were world-proof Last year went to the Outer Banks Planned to fish But the weather stank It's been a while since we played our game But I knew you when you weren't so tame Anwar came out to drink in town All the way down from his mountain hideout No hardship here for him to endure Not what he's used to, he'll get by I'm sure Is You, Is it You, You were world-proof