Write about heat and then tell Icarus He got too close s**ed in the engine of holy ignorance How could he know? No such excuse for those who come after him - Carbon alloy I've heard say: "The printed word and the paper it's printed on - Not worth anythin'. In the time that it takes To write about doing it, it could be done." I say 'no' in the oldest formula: "f** this, and f** you"
If it's good enough for Geoffrey Chaucer It's OK by me too. Latent energy in lines of lettering - One dot a full stop Swing on a phrase for fresh mobility: "Mud chokes no eels" The past and the present, the cheque and the counterfoil Fill in/tear off Prop up a point with some lines from the library... This week's maxim: "In for a penny, in for a pound" - Information