John Adams: It's a masterpiece, I say They will cheer every word, every letter Thomas Jefferson: I wish I felt that way Benjamin Franklin: I believe I can put it better Now then attend, as friend to friend Our Declaration Committee For us I see immortality All: In Philadelphia city Benjamin Franklin: A farmer, a lawyer, and a sage A bit gouty in the leg You know, it's quite bizarre To think that here we are Playing midwives to an egg John Adams: (Egg? What egg?) Benjamin Franklin: (America. The birth of a new nation.) John Adams: We're waiting for the All: Chirp, chirp, chirp Of an eaglet being born Waiting for the chirp, chirp, chirp On this humid Monday morning in this Congressional incubator Benjamin Franklin: God knows the temperature's hot enough
To hatch a stone, let alone an egg All: We're waiting for the Scratch, scratch, scratch Of that tiny little fellow Waiting for the egg to hatch On this humid Monday morning in this Congressional incubator John Adams: God knows the temperature's hot enough To hatch a stone Thomas Jefferson: But will it hatch an egg? John Adams: The eagle's going to crack the shell Of the egg that England laid All: Yes, sir, we can Tell, tell, tell On this humid Monday morning in this Congressional incubator Benjamin Franklin: And just as Tom here has written Though the shell may belong to Great Britain The eagle inside belongs to us Adams and Franklin: And just as Tom here has written All: We say "To hell with Great Britain" The eagle inside belongs to us!