There is a wicked man in me Wanting the wicked man's disease Fleeting pleasures, but pleasures indeed O Lord, take my envy of these things And the prideful war within Take me to the place of sweet surrender For You are, You were, You will always be better... This is a song of surrender For whom have I but You You are! You are better! Forever so much better than the world You are my portion, You are my portion, You are my portion My never ending, overflowing Lord My reward My reward My portion, Lord You are Lord... Creator of created things Greatest personality No ear has heard Nor mind conceived And though Your Spirit groans in me
And all creation sings of Your return My feet are slipping, be my help For You are, You were, You will always be better... This is a song of surrender For whom have I but You You are! You are better! Forever so much better than the world You are my portion, You are my portion, You are my portion My never ending, overflowing Lord My reward My reward You are my portion, Lord This is a song of surrender For whom have I but You You are! You are better! Forever so much better than the world You are my portion, You are my portion, You are my portion My never ending, overflowing Lord My reward You're my reward My portion, Lord