On top of the world On top of the world How long I waited for that lucky break [Incomprehensible] not always come easy I learned that life was full of give and take But I learn from my mistakes, made me a better man I know my place in life And take a stand With no regrets in life Kiss my lazy days good bye For a better way of life Now I'm on the top of the world And that's where we're at now There ain't no turning back On top of the world, yeah And I'm gonna stay right there, oh yeah So many things in life can hold you down But I set out to prove that I can make it I have no fear being pushed around My comfort deals with something no one could take away I knew right from the start I'd make a break Believing is the way I found a master plan
That gave me a winning hand Now I'm on top of the world That time is right for dream to come true To start my life anew on top of the world On top of the world, this time will nothing bring me down Top of the world My spirit so high Top of the world And that's where I'm at No turning back Just believe that your dreams will come alive It's a fact that failure, that's in your own mind If the darkness comes before the light Just keep on moving straight ahead And you will find the brighter side of life On top of the world That's where I'm at And there'll be no turning No turning back I'm on top of the world I'll wait and forget And my heart is burning On top of the world