Now the serpent was more crafty Than any of the rest the animals So he said to the woman He said: did God really say :do not eat from any tree? Then the woman said:we can eat from all but just one tree If we do it,then we die No you wont, you will not die Go just knows that when you eat It will open up your eyes You will be like the evil He knows So she saw it and she ate She swallowed and condemned her soul Cause they saw that they were naked So they covered up They got to cover up So they heard God walking in the garden And they walked to the trees Where are you? And he said :here, I hid I heard You and was scared because I was naked Lord God I hid I am naked In the garden, man has fallen Who told you were naked? You ate from the tree That I told you not to do
Then he said:No,it was you See the woman that You gave me? She gave me some And I ate it and got sad What is this youve done? She said :the serpent tricked me So God cursed them putting the man and woman Between his and her offspring Then He said to the woman I will greatly increase your pain When you bear children without your desire It will rain To Adam he said: Because you listened to her Because of you the garden is cursed From dust you are and to dust youll return The fall of man The story we just heard The dust you are And to dust you will return This story makes way for the greatest news weve ever heard Lord God I hid I am naked In the garden, man has fallen Lord God I hid I am naked In the garden, man has fallen