[Spoken:] A millenium pa**ed away, small forests became jungles, mountains were devoured from sand violently exiled from sand violently exiled from vast deserts with the help of hands made from storms* It was as if someone wanted to erase the traces The triumphant laughs of liberation are forgotem The world that once seemed nes and vibrant turned pale and old Why? Maybe because of the strange inhabitants were to eager to forget the path that led them through In their journey they were leaving behind not only spoken: not only part of their body but also part of their mind
And they became so tired, all they demanded was to rest It wasn´t difficult There was not any apparent changes So a strange kind of sleep Fell among the lot The more they cultivated this habbit To seek in the deep matters of Lethargy The more their enviroment changed It was a curious transformation It was as if someone wanted to erase the traces Hoever there is one trace that will ever remain Week as a whisper it can reopen the way Just listen Your Fathers knew these words by heart even those that never crossed, the eerie side