O If you lose a leg, I don't mind Or if you lose a hand, I don't mind Aslong as you keep your smile Never lose your smile Not even for a short while Because you can never lose your head O your inside can never drop dead Because then what do i do When there is no ''you'' What do i do O What if suddenly something is wrong inside your head What do I do when your always sad And I can't help you O that would just tear me apart, me and my heart
So please stay happy with me Please stay happy not for me But for yourself And I will make you happy everyday Even when you don't lay next to me, I'll find a way And that's what so scary Because I jumped into the deep, And now I can never lose you So I only want to see you happy Don't care if your life is crappy Even when you lost a leg Even when you lost a hand Even when you lost it all We won't fall