Winter's on the wing Here's a fine spring morn' Comin' clean through the night From the May I say Winter's taken flight Sweepin' dark cold air Out to sea, spring is born Comes the day I say And you'll be here to see it Stand and breathe it all our day Stoop and feel it, stop and hear it Spring, I say And now the sun is climbin' high Risin' fast on fire Glarin' down through the gloom Gone the gray, I say The sun spells the doom Of the winter's reign Ice and chill must retire From the May I say And you'll be here to see it Stand and breathe it all our day
Stoop and feel it, stop and hear it Spring, I say I say, be gone, ye howlin' gales Be off, ye frosty morns All ye solid streams begin to thaw Melt, ye waterfalls Part ye frozen winter walls See, see now it's startin' And now the mist is liftin' high Leavin' bright blue air Rollin' clean 'cross the Moor From the May, I say The storm'll soon be by Leavin' clear blue sky Soon the sun will shine From the day, say I And you'll be here to see it Stand and breathe it all the days Stoop and feel it, stop and hear it Spring, I say