I see INXS or GNR or REM on MTV I see an ad for KFC and buy some M&Ms and one CD Outside in the real world It's not as clean as it is on TV U.N.I.L.B.O.K.N.L.A I drove around the town and then I found a little place that I could stay and Just for fun I bought a gun cos lesson one is don't get blown away You know I am a little scared
You know why because I'm the one who cared U.N.I.L.B.O.K.N.L.A In 1963 JFK was DOA, KGB and CCCP are RIP So LA's not the best place for me but what of MGM or CBS, There's NBC and RCA and NBA It's tempting I confess I could end up with a big house and be well fed On the other hand I guess I could wind up dead U.N.I.L.B.O.K.N.L.A