A grace that is ever mindful Of a mind which can't believe It held back Abraham's hand It burned the altar down And it can only work it out If we believe to see a powdered snowfall On a rocky mountain scene To see the water breaking To smell the air and taking one breath after another Till the heart is clean There are those who merely listen 'Cause they think they cannot sing There are those who join the music And they become free and if your story Doesn't wind up ending happy after all There's a grace that's there It's everywhere and it's equal to the fall A grace that'll let me suffer So that I can persevere It sent that stone a rolling It made that leper whole
And it can make the blind to see And the deaf to hear, hear another daytime Breaking to the nightime music playing on the harps Of the birds and the crickets And the memories grown as thick as fog Along the Taneycomo waterway, oh His grace is shown in many ways And if you'll look around I think You'll see what I am talking about Oh, we don't have the time to waste 'Cause we are fallen and in the middle of it all There are those who merely listen 'Cause they think they cannot sing There are those who join the music And they become free and if your story Doesn't wind up ending happy after all There's a grace that's there, it's everywhere And it's equal to the fall