That chrome thing was swingin?She lit it with a pout. But she put it in her pocket And forgot to put it out. That woman gave me fire And wrestled with the best. You can call me a liar But her legs look pretty messed. THE ZIPPO WAS SHINING AND SO WAS HER SMILE AND ALL THAT SHE SMOKES IT WAS LIT UP WITH STYLE. YOU碫E GOT TO ADMIT IT IT WOULD LOOK PRETTY SICK IF THE CUTEST OF GIRLS WOULD BE ARMED WITH A BIC.
She swinged it so cla**y. An extension of her arm. She was raised on top fuel. And cramful of charm. Crippled by coolness. But on top of my bill. She won磘 knit a sweater. She磗 got other sk**s. THE ZIPPO WAS SHINING AND SO WAS HER SMILE AND ALL THAT SHE SMOKES IT WAS LIT UP WITH STYLE. YOU碫E GOT TO ADMIT IT IT WOULD LOOK PRETTY SICK IF THE CUTEST OF GIRLS WOULD BE ARMED WITH A BIC.