Look towards the sky to caress your weakness Find solace inside yourself The walls stand tall with false foundations Anchored in ma** salvations Pray with your rosary hands I'm still unchosen Pray with your rosary My faith is frozen Confide in flesh and blood My mother, surrender your fears forever My Gods, so far, they fail to show No proof secure to sell me Pray with your rosary hand...
Pray with your rosary hands I'm still unchosen Pray with your rosary My faith is frozen! Shackles of guilt! Kneel in the rice! Slate rid of filth to rub elbows with Christ! Shackles of guilt! Kneel in the rice! Slate rid of filth to rub elbows with Christ! Pray with your... rosary hand! Pray with your rosary hands I'm still unchosen Pray with your rosary hand!