Key Terms - ADP - ATP - Aerobic - Aerobic Glycolysis - Anabolism -Anaerobic - Anaerobic Glycolysis - Calcium ATPase - Catabolism - Creatine Phosphate - Electron Transport Chain - Krebs Cycle - Lactate Threshold - Oxygen Deficit - Pyruvate - Sodium-Pota**ium ATPase Force production from the muscle tissue does not occur without the conversion of macronutrients into biologically useful forms of energy. The breakdown of molecules for use as energy is called catabolism, while the synthesis of larger molecules is called anabolism. The net total of these two systems is our metabolism. The "fuel" for all muscles is ATP, which is broken down through a process called hydrolysis. Energy Systems I. Phosphagen System a. ATP Stores
b. Control of Phosphagen System II. Glycolysis a. Formation of Lactate b. Krebs Cycle c. Energy Yield d. Control e. Lactate Threshold III. Oxidative System a. Glucose Oxidation b. Fat Oxidation c. Protein Oxidation Force Production I. Substrates a. Phosphagen b. Glycogen II. Limiting Factors III. Oxygen Uptake Metabolic Specificity The metabolic effects of various exercise intensities can elicit significant physiological responses, and should be manipulated accordingly. I. Interval Training II. Combination Training