(Josh. 6:1-20, 10:3-14; Ex. 33:11; Ps. 44:23; Mark 13:32-37; Rev. 8:2-9:21, 11:15-19; Heb. 13:12, 13; Rev. 18:2) Joshua, awake, its time to rise It's the day that has been promised you Now is the hour take back the land "Let the sevend sound" The hold on Canaan comes unwound With deliverance to Your hand Round, round, round Your foe Down, down down, come stones This day the Lord fights for Israel Joshua, awake, it's time to rise You've the longers day ahead of you
There will be no day like this Again "O Sun, wage war" In the land where pilgrims are restored God heads the voice of one Man I recall, still, to this day When the others feared you came And found Me there Outside the camp The only One who refused to leave When others could no further see Past open doors of mouth and tent Round, round, round Your foe Down, down, down she goes Take it all back, take it all back, take it all The Lord fights for Israel