This time you think you’ve won Convincing everyone You’ve got the master key An answer to everything This time you’ll meet your end Straight Bourbon Discipline Maniacal laughter The last thing you’ve heard I got more patience than a hospital But even now that waiting room’s full I held my tongue way longer than I thought I knew how But now it’s time we shut this whole thing down Grossly illogical I guess anything is possible And if I sit here a second more longer I bet These drinks will take over and all will get wrecked Patience’s end
Bourbon Discipline It’s like defusing a time bomb Because I never really cared at all And as these things start to pile up the more time is spent Imagining everything’s all came and went No way to stop it all Except a trip to the hospital But the way things look I can tell at a glance You’ll be the one leaving in the ambulance Now that the time has pa**ed You’ve gone and met your match Literally defaced Handed your a** some place Now you have met your end Straight Bourbon Discipline Maniacal laughter The last thing you heard