He can't hear your screams for help Doesn't care about your wealth Only wants one thing He'll follow you until you're cornered Pretty soon you'll be a goner He's taking you to his domain, Abduction is his only goal Snatching chosen people's souls Causing terror in his wake A servant to a darker lord Hunting you around the world Writing for your last mistake Unholy Abductor Committing his deeds as instructed Unholy Abductor Soon is the time to be punished He loves stalking prey Hunger growing day by day
You must flee and never rest 'Cause if you do so much as sleep A second that you try to keep He'll take you and he'll pa** his test Run and run and never stop Do not rest until you drop Your only chance to stay alive Unholy Abductor Committing his deeds as instructed Unholy Abductor Soon is the time to be punished Waiting in the darkest region For the k**ing season Watch with whom you make you deals 'Cause when you have to pay your debt You will soon regret When you find out he's real