And the green gra** grew all around, all around And the green gra** grew all around Oh there was a little hole Oh the prettiest little hole Oh the cutest little hole That you ever did see Yeah hole in the ground And the green gra** grew all around, all around And the green gra** grew all around Now in that hole there was a little tree Oh the cutest little tree That you ever did see Yeah tree in the hole and the hole in the ground And the green gra** grew all around, all around And the green gra** grew all around Now in that tree there was a little nest Oh the cutest little nest That you ever did see Yeah nest in the tree and the tree in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green gra** grew all around, all around And the green gra** grew all around How you doing? You're understanding this now? You got this now? Cause I think you're just kinda mumbling along But it's just simple now. You know what's in the nest right? I mean that's easy right? Now in that nest there was a little bird Oh the cutest little bird That you ever did see Yeah bird in the nest and the nest in the tree And the tree in the hole and the hole in the ground And the green gra** grew all around, all around And the green gra** grew all around
I gotta breathe after that one Now it's all made sense so far so, so what's on the bird? Ah come, what's on the bird? Yeah Now on that bird there was a little flea Oh the cutest little flea That you ever did see Yeah flea on the bird and the bird in the nest and the nest in the tree And the tree in the hole and the hole in the ground And the green gra** grew all around, all around And the green gra** grew all around Oh it's getting exciting What could be on that flea? Do you know what's on the flea? Yes you do. Here it comes Now on that flea there was a dinosaur A great big dinosaur And the flea said, "You're hurting me" Dinosaur on the flea and the flea on the bird and the bird in the nest And the nest in the tree and the tree in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green gra** grew all around, all around And the green gra** grew all around Well... Come on now as fast as you can Dinosaur on the flea and the flea on the bird and the bird in the nest And the nest in the tree and the tree in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green gra** grew all around, all around And the green gra** grew all around Must've been some of that crab gra**; you just can't stop that stuff from growing