Saint Nick fell down the chimney right on cue With a big ole' bag of gifts for me and you I was crying by the Christmas tree with a bottle of Petrone This ain't no time of year to be alone He said 'you look like hell, boy where's your better half?' I said 'she's gone and I don't think she's coming back Did she have some last minute shopping that just couldn't be postponed?' This ain't no time of year to be alone I got just one wish On my Christmas list Oh baby how I wish you were here I want chestnuts roastin', good friends toastin' Health and happiness But it won't mean a thing without you dear
He said 'Christmas without love and tenderness That's just a hollow holiday at best Son, it takes two to tango underneath that mistletoe' This ain't no time of year to be alone I got just one wish On my Christmas list I'd give anything to have you here with me I want yule logs, reindeer, egg nogg, good cheer Five golden rings Not Kris Kringle's singles therapy So me and old Saint Nick kicked back a few And we both agreed he ain't no substitute for you And I heard him say as he pulled his sleigh back out into the cold This ain't no time of year to be alone