Hablas de m Y al oirte no puedo creer Que estes hablando de m Hablas de m Y al hacerlo tratas de ocultar Lo que he sido para ti Yo que fui m Yo que siempre te ten Tan seguro entre mis brazos Yo que cada noche daba La plenitud de mi alma Si es que t Hablas de m No es posible alguien pueda creer Lo que cuentas de nosotros M Algo m Se sincero ante ti mismo Y antes de hablar del pasado Piensa que tal vez un d Quieras volver a mi lado (hablas de m You're talking about me And upon hearing you, i can't believe That you're talking about me
You're talking about me And in doing so, you're trying to hide What i've been to you I, who meant more to you than life itself I, who always thought i had you securely in my arms I, who each night gave you the depth of my soul If you asked it of me You're talking about me It's not possible anyone could believe The things you're saying about us But if there's anything left inside Something other than your disdain Be honest with yourself And before you speak of the past Remember one day you might Want to come back to me