Far away beyond darkness and evil A place of harmony and calmness A lost paradise of all creatures The land of the frozen souls Everybody is searching for the tunnel The pa**age that brings them to life A calm life filled with harmony Where war and pain don't exist The place that no one can leave Before or after they have died To be there they must believe And in hope that no one has lied Only the sun is their holy god And the land is their own flesh Even the sea treated like blood And the air is always fresh For us life is just misery To exists seems to be unnecessary The past through the maze of life
Will soon be wide open and clear Come to the place of harmony Reach for the ultimate edge A cross the holy border Find the pa**age of life Come to the place of harmony Reach for the ultimate edge A cross the holy border Find the pa**age of life Ma**acre, pain, starvation Execution, suffering, war Violence, face the reality Of this world... Ma**acre, pain, starvation Execution, suffering, war Violence, face the reality Of this world... The place that no one can leave Before or after they have died To be there they must believe And in hope that no one has lied