I used to live in California, on the West Coast A town called Calabasas, unknown by most! A wretched f**in' hole, owned by Shyster Jews Money-gripping Kikes who'd like to see you lose! I was different, I wasn't like the rest I proudly wore the Swastika on my f**in' chest! Calabasas Kike We know who you are! Yellow-bellied Jew, driving Daddy's car! Calabasas Kike With all your stinkin' money! Your Holocaust, to me, is really f**in' funny!
My first day at school, I remember it well The Jews did all they could to make my life hell! Being White, I fought back and in the end stood tall! I grabbed the closest Hebe and bashed his head against the wall! I kicked him in the gut, as blood poured out his face Then shouted, "Sieg Heil! Don't f** with the Master Race!" Calabasas Kike So proud that you're a Jew! You snivel, lie and cheat in all that you do! Calabasas Kike!