One comparison between the Genesis Creation and the Greek Myth is that both have hero, villan, and crossroads archetype. Both stories have vilan archetypes, the serpent who decieves the whole world, and the mythical titans. Both Genesis and the myth have innocent archetypes because Eve was innocent and so was et hAdam, so was the babies that were swallowed. In both stories there was emptiness in the beginning. In Genesis God completes his creation in 6 days and rested the 7th, 7th meaning completion. In the Greek myth, you have "Night" begetting evil things, not being created.Genesis has Crossroads archetype when Cain went from good to bad, and The Greek make believe also has a crossroads archetype.
In the myth, there was someone named Gaea, who was earth, not having the garden archetype, but creation did. Bad started in Genesis when Eve ate of the Tree-Of-Knowlege, but the Greek myth says it started when Night brought forth Evil. There was one hero, God in the Creation. The Greek story says that there are many heroes, or "little gods" in the Greek creation story. In Genesis, there was no Epic Battle, but there was in the Greek story. The Greek creation has Father/Son rivalry, but Genesis doesn't.