This medicine will make everything better Forehead at a high temperature Skip medication and I'll get sicker As long as I take it Everything will be fixed Everything will be fixed This medicine will make everything better If laughter is the best medicine then smiles must be our protection Get the Ropistestine for the burns in my lower intestines My steroids were given in fred flintstone vitamins Spoonfuls of NyQuil had me thinking I was cured Drank 7up with a side of saltines and soup Staring at the ceiling Laying on my bed Ma, please forget about the appointments This medicine will make everything better Forehead at a high temperature Skip medication and I'll get sicker As long as I take it Everything will be fixed Everything will be fixed This medicine will make everything better The dark black slime I thought it was nasty Only wanted cherry or bubble gum Never took pills cuz I thought I'd choke and die from them Mucus kept clogging my nasal Ceaseless chills and sneezes I was afraid of needles I didn't want blood to be drawn Started shivering and losing my breathe Rushed me to the expedition for the treatment It was more than the flu It was pneumonia Tests and information connected to asthma All momma had to do was touch my face She didn't need to say anything My only concern was missing school that day The nebulizer's vapor Was inhaled into my lungs I knew I would pull through In those sessions I thought about d**h
Whatever medicine that was Saved me as a kid This medicine will make everything better Forehead at a high temperature Skip medication and I'll get sicker As long as I take it Everything will be fixed Everything will be fixed This medicine will make everything better Brushing my teeth was something I did three times a week Sweets were a guilty pleasure that had no consequence til momma said we're going to the dentist He said I had cavities Said what does that mean? Told me "it means surgery" He told me "stop crying, it was joke" Asked me if I flossed I said yes He said well it looks like you don't He saw the lies between my teeth and gave me fluoride that tasted like bubble gum which numbed my gums I Swished it and spat it out Check ups were a way Of counting the amount of snickers I ate Brushed dozens of times before the date I hated when some else had to operate I couldn't cooperate cuz of the needles and clinging Whatever the doctor gave me Helped me immensely Sometimes it wasn't necessary but I always knew I'd make it Because the medicine This medicine will make everything better Forehead at a high temperature Skip medication and I'll get sicker As long as I take it Everything will be fixed Everything will be fixed This medicine will make everything better I was told just take medicine and you'll feel better the next day. The one thing that i thought would k** me actually saved me