He was born and raised on the rough side of town People said he never struggled with He had sawdust & grease in his beard And his shack was filled up with driftwood & sticks He said I find these things along the river And I use them to mount my little birds And he gave me a drink of his moonshine And I think that I was spellbound by his words Ain't it funny where a man can find beauty He said thanks for the ride And I'm glad you came in I never dreamed you'd be sitting there I heard a lot about you from the men that worked for you And they tell me your fair & square He gave me a pickle that he canned himself And some cornbread he baked in shucks As he smiled I could tell that he wouldn't trade places With me for ten thousand bucks Ain't it funny where a man can find wisdom He picked up a banjo and played me a tune
About a man that he thought his friend He said I believe that Jesus was born And he really died for my sins Folks think I'm crazy for peddling shine And I'm on the low side of life But I seen my friend in that old piece of wood And I'm gonna cut him out with my knife Ain't it funny where a man can find Jesus Old Mose Rankin was dead in two weeks Before I even knew that he died Well we'd come to be friends I was sore for two years And deep down inside me I cried I'd like to thank him for all that he taught me But I wouldn't know where to begin I'd like to thank him for leaving to me That carving of Jesus his friend Ain't it funny where a man can find friends Ain't it funny where a man can find beauty Ain't it funny where a man can find wisdom Ain't it funny where a man can find Jesus