Lost Profits, P.O.D, Korn, some 41 Mushroomheads A lullaby soundtrack for the ones born dead Stinkinpork, cheezytown - stole the moffathanzon sound Bushnicklbax, "hardrock" attack = n sinkin backseatboys on crack Big biz? this punkrockthing, millionaires and safetypins Look dumb, act weird, ripped shirt ohdear... Thank "god" grunge?s dead, Kurtspentahead, paid the price It took a shot, and what we got: Courtney "pound of p**y" love, nice Who are these rebels, where do they come from? Cumposerscum
And gimme some, some of that pink tasty bubblegum, boref**indumb No hope, No future, No balls - that suits ya There?s no hope for me, you see, I gotta be on the MTV SugarRay, hip as gay, name a f**ing song they play? Jump on the spot, a new hotshot, seen it, heard the ugly lot Moneymetal up thy a**, angry on command high - cla** On MTV I rest my eyes, misery in disguise Make-up, tune down, new wig? N? bigbadboots to cover up a crapsound...