Rise! From murky depths arise Swallow whole the waning sun Thy name is spoken, tides swell and boil As light's last rays die Darkness devours the sky Hail! Leviathan Hail! Satan Hail! Leviathan Awaken... Arise! Rise! Arise and smite the ghouls Unleash furies of abyss Upon these sands at the world's end Voices of d**h invoke the ancient
Hail! Leviathan Hail! Satan Hail! Leviathan Awaken... Destroy! Rising serpent, oceans churn Spit forth devastation Fueling evil, stoke the d**h fires Wills of iron conquer Hail! Leviathan Hail! Satan Hail! Leviathan Awaken... Destroy Horde of Leviathan Hail Satan!