I have lost my way into the wood Where am I tonight? Fear inside, I'm lost and so alone Where will I go? I have reached a hill and tried to climb Now the dawn has come But a Wolf is standing in my way Won't let me go Are you real, or nothing but a ghost? Save me from the Wolf! |Follow me|, he says, |And you will see what's beyond life| On the Hill of Dawn I climb behind him He's the guide and master Now in front of us there is a door
Where will it lead? [Spoken Bridge:] Per me si va nella citta dolente, Per me si va nell'etterno dolore, Per me si va tra la perduta gente. Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create Se non etterne, e io etterna duro. Lasciate ogni speranza, o voi ch'entrate. [Chorus:] Virgil Guide me through this world Where spirits cry Keep me safe and tell me how To live my life [Chorus]