Wasting time CHORUS Why do i call you each hour in a day Hang around your doorstep just to see your face Friends say that i must be blind Not to see that Im just wasting time I always told Myself I'd never live past 30 Cause 80 % of the money I've made in my life time came dirty I keep Repeating cycles just waiting until I hurry Prepared for raining days squaring away retainers for the attorney Life's is what U make is to I'm taking all that's owed to me The hell with self control I gotta rock & roll degree This sh** so real now that I can smell it and taste it Most get defeated by Hatred but instead I embraced I realize It's no more a want anymore its what I gotta do And prove every Mother f**er wrong that ever doubted u My whole life I've been guilty no deliberation from the jury Waiting for right precise time to unleash my fury I heard there's no better time than the present Taking it one day at time I got a legacy to cement I'm here to change lives & touch people, doing something with my talent Believing myself that I could was the only real challenge
CHORUS Why do i call you each hour in a day Hang around your doorstep just to see your face Friends say that i must be blind Not to see that Im just wasting time U Ur all talk with no follow threw I can't b bothered dude Deep down Still I Think ur mother should've swallowed u U must b fresh out of luck The best of mes still yet to come So I suggest best preparing for Armageddon No more rusty edges we worked all the kinks out Before madness there a brink we let the Ink pour out The horizon shows foggy weather With or without an accomplice Mission still get accomplished crossings ts & dotting eyes down to the letter And Just like fine wine over time I just keep on getting better I'm not a gambling man But I'd put it all on me b**h cuz I'm a record setter Our greatest glory is not in never falling Yet It's in rising every time that we fall by CHORUS Why do i call you each hour in a day Hang around your doorstep just to see your face Friends say that i must be blind Not to see that Im just wasting time