defeat of emotions brought us so far apart but so far together it was all bad weather the world was scary, baby scary without you, i knew all i wanted all i needed, but you were lost but i loved you at any cost the greatest casualty brought us so far so gone, so much agony, but baby i knew i just knew, you were gone your eyes were sad and cold not sultry and vivid of great detail not gold, green but poetry so bad and beyond sold you said, what are you looking at i laughed and you questioned i said nothing and went with it i knew you were sad, yet i wanted you i wanted you so happy, i guess i knew
that you were so unhappy everything was subliminal everything's always in our subconscious maybe you'll understand but gravity made you unconscious one day i know you will, i promise you know i promise i never break, but you broke me i promise, i'll never break my promises of love for you i swear to the power of all greatness, that i'll love you forever your sad eyes, i'll love them forever your sad eyes, i'll know them forever your sad voice, i'll know it i'll know you forever i'll know this pain forever i'll know this forever