Thursday night/Friday morning, I was approached by a female, Latino undercover cop. Not a male cop. The female Latino cop, I have her badge number so I know who it is. The first story that came out in the Daily News said it was a female undercover officer and you can research and see that that story was posted. Then they changed it soon after to male undercover officer. I have no idea why it changed. I understand that cops have a job to do. She was undercover and she has to protect herself. She's going to have to be sequestered and I'm going to have to fight the case. No, I am not gay. I have not engaged in h*mos**ual activity. Out of the three incidents that happened in the past with me, there was only one person's name brought up that was a male. If you do your research and look at the incident that happened in 2011, that male person put out 2 different videos. The first video was about him saying he doesn't know Mister Cee. Then, he did another with a comedian saying 'Yes, I was with Cee and he has a small penis.' If you do your research, you will see those two interviews. I love the gay community. I always embrace those people who don't have that much power to be loud. Back when the Haiti thing happened, I was doing so much for the Haitians. I embrace the gay community more than you know. Shout out to the 83rd precinct in BK. They took care of me and what I'm going to say is not a reflection on all police. But the police's job is to build a case against me. And it's my job to build a case for myself. In 2011, I pleaded guilty to the prostitution case (which a male prostitute was also named with pictures in the ACTUAL police report) because it was too much money to keep going back and forth. And also because I have a family--both my family and my Hot 97 family and I didn't want to put y'all through the mud. Not because I like men, but because of all the court procedures I didn't want to go through. But on the three occasions I've been arrested on solicitation charges, only one has been said to be a man. Where are the other names? And have y'all stopped to think about where that person is now? There's something to that. Yes, I do like prostitutes. I have engaged a lot with prostitutes in my life many times. Same with strippers. I've tricked on them many times. But I happened to be in the area on Thursday. It was a beautiful day for me. Everything that had happened around this time in 2011, I didn't feel like my Hot 97 fam had my back. There were people telling me I shouldn't be on that Summer Jam stage. But on Thursday, I was in a great mood. So it just so happened I was in that area after leaving a party. I didn't know that corner is where prostitutes hung out.
I was leaving an after work party nearby and I remembered I needed to call somebody I said I would call earlier. I pulled over to call, and it was on the corner of Madison and Broadway, and I was approached by a female Latina undercover officer. So I rolled down the window, I'm not too stuck up to say "Hi" to somebody. She offered to have oral s**. I can't say too much because I have to go back to court. But she said pull up to the corner. I said no and started to pull off, and all hell broke loose. It's because of what I've been going thru the last 10-12 years of my life. Back in 2001, I was in a serious committed relationship with a young lady and I'm not going to say her name. About that time, my life started to change into wanting hit it and quit it type relationships. I was going into strip clubs and things. Then I wanted to get prostitutes. I got in a rut. The more I started getting into that activity, the more I wanted it versus the traditional way of getting to know regular women. I found myself not trusting women as much. I found myself not wanting women to get closer to me in my world. I started seeing how my friends were getting jammed up in their marriages and relationship and I said that's not going to be me. If I get to a point where me and a woman get too close, I push her away. I have trust issues with women. For me to have gotten caught 3 times. In relation to all the times I frequent prostitutes, it's really not surprising. I don't drink and I don't smoke. I'm in my right mind. But sometimes in my weird sadistic way, I don't really know how big "Mister Cee" is. I don't understand the enormity of who I am. I don't have an addiction to prostitutes. I have an addiction to instant gratification. I need help. I been dealing with it and trying to deal with it for the last 10-12 years. If ya'll want to fire me or get rid of me, I understand that. No company should have to be subjected to the the of negative activity I've been bringing to this company the last couple years. I'm getting help. I go to therapy and I'm dealing with it. People have accused me of being gay for probably ten years now… I don't care what people think.