I spent years perfecting an upright walk And moving my lips in graceful talk I have scars from the times I've bitten my tongue And still again I've said too much Tonight I've said far too much And you don't know my middle name And all I wanted was modest fame I know you'd like to let this go But tonight you know we're going toe to toe Blow for blow Now I spill my thoughts all over the page Five to fifty, the thinking age Each tart thing that I've said echos still in my head
And each time you've taken a swing at me Like a low pinata in a breaking tree I remember these with clarity But I can't recall your middle name And whether you or I'm to blame In a perfect world we'd have no history You treat me sweetly Bring me candy Not this busted whiskey mess You got drunk and broke my family crest But you still don't know my maiden name Did it fade with the fall of those rice grains And we met you were small and tame I swear you knew my middle name