Samantha, look at your wristwatch There's something weird in the way the pointers turn Samantha, where's your car parked? There's something weird in the way you make me feel It's the perfect time to get tough, my baby Cause everyone wants to push you around And there's no need to be shy, my baby Cause everyone wants to push you around There's a picture on your T-shirt Of the Eiffel tower in twilight And if we stare real long at the dial plate We can reverse the way the pointers turn It's the perfect time to get tough, my baby
Cause everyone wants to push you around And there's no need to be shy, my baby Cause everyone wants to push you around Samantha, look at the streetlights There's something wrong with the way the city breathes Samantha, look at my face now There's something weird in the way the city feels Samantha, everyone's trying to push you around Samantha, everyone's trying to push you around Samantha, everyone's trying to push you around Samantha, everyone's trying to push you around