I want to scream I want to be free I don't want to be in a cage Let me be wild I want to let my inner child and innocence explore What is holding me back? I care too much Not wanting to hurt anyone around me I want to do what I want I Wish not to care Who will be hurt? Me, in the end I need to explore I need to taste everything I need to express my Freedom I don't want to be held back I want to be in the wild Irresponsible? It is not about them
It is about me I want to scream Let me express Let me be I want and want and want Who else is here? Me, just me Let me be I care, I love, I wish, I want What do I want? I want to be me and be with you and you and you My heart and mind screams I need to let go and let it take its course I want to express my wants and desires in many ways Let me share, let me express Open the path and come along with me if you wish Just let me be