Oh relic, from a wayward deep sea branch The octopi and squid have pa**ed you by Kaleidoscopic cousins who perchance Have left you sinking, reticent and shy Cool eyes are saucered opals, milky hued A powder blue afloat in talc soft skin A d**h slow pulse evokes hypnotic mood Diaphanous slit gills draw water in A dark intruder looming, swift and lithe Flip inside out, concealed in fluted purse With jellied cirri, white on black, you writhe From tips, blue neon fusillade disperse Intruder lunges, misses, glides away
Unpeel, dilate your luminescent cape Unfolded, fine twinned filaments sashay As lucent ribbon cast from membrane drape At this great depth, free oxygen is scant Yet you, blue-blooded master of the glean Now flaunt archaic inner light extant Bright flashes strobe with phosphorescent sheen With languid flaps, you cautiously advance Warm eyes, aglow with blend of rose and frost Do you, withdrawn beauty, seek to dance? With I, a winsome lonely copepod lost.