A new word entertained my hearing which was geoengineering, and just exact as I was fearing I counted fourteen letters. No sooner had I set upon it I knew I had to make a sonnet, a ponderous acrostic misfit I'm chained by mindset fetters. GEOENGINEERING G lobal warming plows on full steam ahead E ven new bearings won't alter her course O nce, had a chance if we'd stoppered the source E missions of CO2 climbed instead.
N ow mitigation alone can't be pled G iven positive feedback counterforce I ce is a shrinking albedo resource N o match for oceans' absorbing dark spread. E nter the geoengineering fix E xperiments held in a whole world lab. R eflect with stratospheric sulphate tricks I nject with nano-alumina jab. N eath mirrored milky skies and sunset slicks G reenhouse dwellers tend self-inflicted stab.