Determine the values of an incorrect form The absence of emotion An exit from your inabilities Aspects of self determination, are changed negatively A reverse in confidence, a direct turn to anxiety Pressure starts to increase, all problems have multiplied Optimism crushed under strain, severe depression of the mind An un-natural response To a problem you won't face Dependent on substances of artificial stimuli Resorting to this method when complications arise An unbalanced line of thought, all decisions seem absurd Friendships dissolving in each and every word
An unnatural response To a problem you won't face d**h, a release from yourself Restless in your mind Slowly you decline All your friendships dead Understand this concept and recognise yourself Because the ability to weaken Makes us all the same Any type of answer seems to open up more problems An inconcieved image of what were all supposed to be Consider yourself in this situation An experience you've probably come across many times before An un-natural response To a problem you won't face