In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar he shows a character named Brutus as a noble man. In the story of Julius Caesar Brutus is shown through his political beliefs, and also his motives behind the choices he make. Brutus always highly believed in himself and also his own political views. Brutus believed that if Julius Caesar was not in power it would help Rome eventually (Document A). In (Document A) Brutus says that “not that I loved Caesar less, but I love Rome more”. What that means to me is that he has more love for his country of Rome than his love for Caesar. Brutus eventually started to plot with Ca**ius to k** Julius Caesar. Brutus started to convince Ca**ius that it would benefit if Julius Caesar was out of power. Eventually as the meeting went on the many members stabbed Julius Caesar until he had died.
One of Brutus main personal views was that he wanted a democracy. He believed that until Julius Caesar was either k**ed or out of power the democracy could never happen. Brutus truly had a pure hatred for one of Brutus main personal views was that he wanted a democracy. Julius Caesar. Brutus believed highly of himself. He believed highly of himself with his political beliefs and also his personal views.