Let's have a party in an abandon house No more sadness! No more tears! We're gonna stand up for our freedom! Let's have a drink On a rainy summer night Ghetto for me, ghetto for you We're gonna stand up for our freedom! 2003å¹´çš„å¤å¤©ï¼Œæˆ‘ä»¬æ¥åˆ°äº†è¿™ä¸ªä½äºŽåŒ—äº¬ä¸œéƒ¨åœ°æ–¹ã€‚è¿™é‡Œååƒ»è€Œä¸”è½åŽï¼ Œä½†è¿™é‡Œå´æ˜¯ç©·äººå’Œå–œæ¬¢å‰ä»–çš„å­©å­ä»¬çš„å¤©å ‚ T.Z boy, T.Z girl It's our time, our generation Let's have a party in an abandon house No more sadness, no more tears We're gonna stand up for our freedom!
Let's have a drink On a rainy summer night Ghetto for me, ghetto for you We're gonna stand up for our freedom! æˆ‘ä»¬åˆ°ç ´æ—§çš„å·¥åŽ‚åŽ»æ¡å¤æ€ªçš„å®¶å…·ï¼Œåˆ°åºŸå“ç«™åŽ»ä¹°æ¼‚äº®çš„è¡£æœï¼Œåœ¨è·¯è¾¹å–ç €ç ‡•äº¬å•¤é…’,在租来的小房子里听着自己喜欢的音乐 T.Z boy, T.Z girl It's our time, our generation T.Z Generation T.Z Generation 这是我们的乌托邦。没有谎言.虚伪.自私与伪装 这首歌我们一起来唱。SING FOR FRIENDSHIP! SING FOR YOUTH!!!