The Red Army is proven relentless Unstoppable, the triumph awaits Annexing area with this solid war machine Mowing down the opponent Taking hold on things that rightly belong Let the Iron Curtain fall Across the half of the continent Welcome the liberators The justification is victory Enemies of the regime are ought to disappear Beria and Molotov will play their roles The prominent expansion of the idea of communism These great plans are soon to be fulfilled Arranging staged elections Greatly expanding Stalin's rule Gearing up the propaganda Around the puppet states of the Eastern Bloc Let the Iron Curtain now fall Across the half of the continent
Welcome the liberators These tensions will lead to Cold War With the newly addition of China Red states begin to spread in the east Aggressive stance toward capitalism Building up the police force Subjecting the people to a constant fear Collectivization of the economy The goal is, indeed, toward prosperity Let the Iron Curtain fall Across the half of the continent Welcome the liberators Because the justification is victory The western countries are now threatened Soviet political power is truly unleashed The outcome of Stalin's reign of terror Would determine the future's geopolitical events