In and out of the Red Balloon Marry the farmer's daughter, sleepy heads in the afternoon, callow-la, callow-la-vita! In and out of the Red Balloon Marry the farmer's daughter, sleepy heads in the afternoon, callow-la, callow-la-vita! And the old man pa**ed me by and he didn't hear me cry, and I didn't know his name and he didn't come again and the sun was coming out and the kids began to shout and the dogs began to bark in the lovely Paris Park. In and out of the Red Balloon Marry the farmer's daughter,
sleepy heads in the afternoon, callow-la, callow-la-vita! Bon jour Madame! Bon jour monsieur! Je vous vois dans le parc main à main tous les jours Il fait beaux temps aujourd'hui et les fleurs sont si belles. J'espères qu'il ne pleut pas et vous avez toujours l'amour! In and out of the Red Balloon Marry the farmer's daughter, sleepy heads in the afternoon, callow-la, callow-la-vita In and out of the Red Balloon Marry the farmer's daughter, sleepy heads in the afternoon, callow-la, callow-la-vita!