A telegram requesting rendezvous Ones here on business, others pa**ing through A reply sent to sender 'neath the weight of a postage stamp Let's not forget how we doled out our blames like blessings from a pope We took each other's names in vain and washed our mouths with soap So find the rusty razors hidden in the birthday cake For old times' sake But it sounds as good a place as any Though I'd meet you on the moon It might be two days in a foreign city But to me it's just two days with you Elope from mexican resaurant booth, they cleared the plate And on past ancient buildings majest and ornate, don't even break
Another place and time a humble room we shared For less we could have cared But it sounds as good a place as any Though I'd meet you on the moon It might be two days in a foreign city But to me it's still two days with you A palace with 500 rooms, how do they keep them clean? All empty as the catacombs, it's not easy being Queen How she does miss her mother since she went to meet her maker Call the royal undertaker And it sounds as good a place as any Though I'd meet you on the moon It might be two days in a foreign city But to me it's just two days with you Days with you Days with you Days with you