Fools' Facebook profiles are like life advertisements "Don't you want my sh** its all so happy and vibrant!" And profile pictures are fakest smile contests Like damn, life gets f**ed up sometimes people, be honest But f** it all let's watch another fail compilation The hyperreal is chill, dig the simulacra and simulation I'm neo-Rousseau meditating on social media social contracts "Let's agree to never see each other except on that . . Twitter Vine Pinterest Google Plus Snapchat" Dudes like "look I'm cool look! two females and a snapback!" Perhaps that's whack; it's hard to say like episcopalian Buzzfeed lists are... um, the opposite of salient Your first world problems sound absurd like flying newts If you post those petty whinings I'll probably hide you Post radical sh**; the NSA might come and find you But we accept the spies, hmmm... sign of the times dude Social networking might be elaborate Foucaldian biopower This new world is strange like Eddie Valentine on Rocket Power "Follow me!" "Friend me!" "Find me on LinkedIn!" Innovation of Loneliness; you should let that sink in
Christians spamming evidence of their dedication to Christ And I just got back from rehab for my addiction to "likes" I share therefore I am; call me digital Descartes Humans love candy crush saga but hate art I earned my pHd on Wikipedia; I stay smart In the 'United World Nations of Google and K-Mart' (automaton) Nannas snapping selfies, call them Instagrandmas What an unreal progression of inventions since the camera Who could have foreseen it? And where does it all end? Papa Zuckerberg saying "Now we're alllll friends." (creepy voice) Chatter all day long to forget that we're puny and dying Perhaps a real Deltron Zero will devise a supervirus Headline: INTERNET CRASHES, 14-YEAR-OLD BRAINS MELT Could we go back? Would life seem like a lame hell? People are products now; yeah, that's pretty wacky YOU MAD BRO? No, I'm not Helga G. Pataki The hella irony is that I'm certainly in this land too I just like asking questions; forgive me for the rant dude I'm browsing /r/philosophy asking, "WHAT'S SIGNIFICANT?!?!" Wondering how Nietzsche would live if he were in this sh**