Sacrilegious and unholy My hand continues To feverishly scrawl words I would never dream of speaking Onto scarred and bleeding parchment I am torn Between the kingdoms of Heaven and Hell Quartered by angels and demons My shredded flesh rests in heaps Pecked at by doves and crows alike My very soul is oppressed For this battle is far from over There is no devil on my shoulder For He has comfortably made His home inside of me Unsuccessful exorcisms Are attempted in vain
For a tortured soul I remain I am but a vessel An extension of His blackened sway Imprisoned in my own mind Held at knifepoint and forced to transcribe His will His wicked word His will His wicked word I frantically whisper prayers to God When I find myself alone But the malicious one He will soon return He will soon return I frantically whisper prayers to God When I find myself alone But the malicious one He will soon return And I will meet punishment