It's a fragile moment, a weight of frail, A depth of ocean hides the veil. Strange you aren't a stranger now My truth hurts but you disavow It's an inner madness pulling under Taking over thoughts of mine Have this darkness hid inside Can't you see the light? Is this the child of madness? Is this the way of life? Is love the hate I'm feeling? Sends a shiver down the spine. Is reciprocation the only way love survives? Is this a shock I'm sensing? Sends a chill down the spine. Set me free. (Streak of coldness down the spine.) Let me fly. (Streak of coldness down the spine.)
Hold me now. (Streak of coldness down the spine.) With these lies. (Streak of coldness down the spine.) Torn between the heart and mind One to choose and one to blame. But if you would want me to I'll play this game, play this game. It's a fragile moment floating over Fragile thoughts of consciousness. Never they want to send me free. Truth may hurt but I disagree. It's an inner sanctum pulling me inside Nurturing my existence. Walking the tunnel, it's so dark inside. But can't you see that light?