Reign of terror, the blood shroud stains the land General Pincohet's tyrannic rule presides Cruel systemic modus operandi ... Martial law the brutal order of dominion Manuel Contreras, Overlord of clandestine d**h Devises directorate of national intelligence... Secret Police, six thousand agents patrol The blood trail order, Paranoiac hunt of leftists Covert abductions, mechanism of capture... False indictments, charged for uncommitted crimes... Promulgate - apocryphal report of plan zeta Mandate - wanted dissidents listed publicly Segregate - Pushing the divide amid rich and poor Violate - Brutalized captives of alleged crimes Terminate - military sentencing carried out Isolate - Thousands decreed into exile Excruciate - Pain and anguish, families torn apart! Tears of the exiled flows Blood of the exiled flows Tears of the exiled flows Blood of the exiled flows from the disappeared!
Exiled - thousands flee to foreign lands Terrorized - isolation, fearing d**h Paralyzed - no return to land of birth Reviled - Demonized as traitors to the state! Politics of fear, subjugated minds silenced Geopolitical, erase Communist reference Law decrees, legitimized order through terror Wasteland of apathy, hop the murdered ruin... Promulgate - apocryphal report of plan zeta Mandate - wanted dissidents listed publicly Segregate - Pushing the divide amid rich and poor Violate - Brutalized captives of alleged crimes Terminate - military sentencing carried out Isolate - thousands decreed into exile Excruciate - pain and anguish, families torn apart! Tears of the exiled flows Blood of the exiled flows Tears of the exiled flows Blood of the exiled flows from the disappeared! Tears of the exiled... Blood of the exiled... Blood of the exiled flows....