[Leonel Valdez/ Mario Linhares] Why dya still awaits for life If I'll give you eternal d**h there's no time to recede the road is gone behind your back I'll show you another life Full of hate full of sorrow Sulphur awaits your soul I'll put a mark on your skin My evil scar... When I raged against our Father I took angels under my control Taught them to be eximious liars Turning virgins into dirtiest who*es The reckoning day will come for all No one is far from the punishment My trident is struck on fields of destruction The triple sign of six is on your brow Rebellion - Listen to the call I shall make you scorch the hateful earth With pest pain and war all around To deny the cross and destroy His Church Bury human race in the ground
Brothers will die k**ed by their brothers Incest will rape the family ties More blood has been spilled, and more will be k**ed I'll keep k**ing 'till the end of time Rebellion - Listen to the call The pain that torments your torture ... ... Delight of my profanity Nauseous suffer. Pervertion ... ... Assembling the calamity ... I know my fate is between The hate and the mercy of God That rules and reigns the Heaven Surrounding the throne of the Lord But they know that I came first Before the Earthly Son I want what's mine by right and not the remains of the Christ. "So the Gods joined for the judgement I see the Elders changing appinions They whisper I must not see the dawn Appointing the night as my eternal bride"