Mister lister Mister lister, mister lister He makes Listerine Sometimes life is hectic and you need an antiseptic That's was mr. lister does, rum pum pum! Mister Kleenex Mister Kleenex, mister Kleenex He makes Kleenex tissues He makes Kleenex tissues For when you go achoo! That's what mr. Kleenex does, rum pum pum! Mister colgate Mister colgate, mister colgate He makes colgate toothpaste He makes colgate toothpaste So enamel does not go to waste That's what mr. colgate does, rum pum pum pum pum!
Philadelphia Philadelphia, Philadelphia They make all the cream cheese That's what they finagle Little schmear for your bagel That's what Philadelphia does, rum pum pum Whistle Mister Schwinn Mister Schwinn, Mister Schwinn He makes bicycles He makes all the bicycles For when you outgrow tricycles That's what Mr. Schwinn does, rum pum pum pum pum! Mister Schwinn Philadelphia Mister Colgate Mister Kleenex Mister Lister Mister Lister That's what Mister Lister does-- Rum pum pum!!!