Morbid globetrotters With invisible hands designed to strangle Invisible hands designed to strangle This is my fatalist vision I hate to admit Let it die. Let it blow up in our face We failed to prevail and now all there is... Let it die. The stench of d**h, across the earth Global standardization of our ways to suffer Breeding a new kind of soldier and consumer "This is not enslavement, it's a great opportunity" And human misery is not an obstacle A profit at what cost? Another d**h, another k** The stench of d**h, across the earth
The stench of d**h, across the earth Another d**h, another k** "You were predisposed to accept this gift we're offering, now don't pa** up on this offer cause the market won't give you any second chances." This is my fatalist vision I hate to admit Let it die. Let it blow up in our face We failed to prevail and now all there is... Let it die. The stench of d**h, across the earth We failed to prevail... The stench of d**h, across the earth Another d**h, another k**